2025 Club
2025 Club is the nationwide group of citizens who create, organize, and execute events for streaming, watching, and buying parties for each state in Namkanda.
It's goal is to provide consistent support for the Cabinet members when they're away or their schedules are heavily focused on presidential duties and they're unable to directly focus on their artistry, while we're also just hanging out and vibing and enjoying the activities!
These events are open to all citizens, are actual in-person as well as online, so the waiting lists are long for some in-person events, so be sure to use the app to secure your spot.
Reminder: the all-ages events are not restricted, but many 2025 Club parties are held in some of Namkanda's finest adults-only establishments and those require your government id when you check in!
Non-citizens are not permitted to attend 2025 Club events.