Whew, the letters and emails kept pouring in on this one, the Purple House correspondence team could barely keep up with how many of you wanted this event to be held weekly. (Listen, understood.)
Tangerine's first poetry and book reading event last year was entertaining, empowering, transformative, and as amazing as that was we all know weekly is just not possible, considering the owner/main guest speaker, however! We're excited to announce that Tangerine is going to do it again!
The event was previously held at the Tangerine in Moon Valley, but due to the overwhelming turnout, in order to allow more people to attend, this year's reading is being co-hosted by the National Botanical Gardens in their Rock Garden Auditorium, a state-of-the art facility and also out in the beautiful Arboretum.

Just as last year, there will be a variety of delicious culinary offerings, and of course many fruit-centric dishes and pastries for you to sample throughout the event.

Due to the popularity of the event, attendance will again be decided by lottery. So remember to click that Tangerine in your apps to set your reminders NOW. When registration opens, simply fill out the from and you're in the running.
Location: Namkanda Botanical Gardens, Shining Sun Province
Date: March 8th
Further details about participating partners, food vendors, book/album signings and book swaps, etc TBA.
Good luck, everyone!!
*record scratch* Just kidding! Whenever HN gets the details, you know we share with you! We weren't about to leave you without answering the MOST asked question since last year: "Will Vice-President Min be there??"
In a surprise confirmation, who do you think will be reading all those words written by Min Yoongi?
Yeeeaaahhhh HE'S COMING BAAACK!!!!