Guest Blogger:  Butter and Buns!

Guest Blogger: Butter and Buns!


The wait is over, Butter and Buns has that thing you’ve been wanting to put in your mouth. Hey hey, just calm yourself down and get to our bakery this Saturday to taste our nominee for SONG OF THE YEAR!

Yep, our chefs have been toiling days and nights to bring you elation in the form of a pastry and our decadent creation is ready. There will be a crowd, so if you're gonna be in a hurry, use the app to order yours ahead of time and pick up at the grab and go counter. Just tap that butter-glazed question mark glowing on our page and place your order!

"But what about the puzzle, BB??"  Of course there's a puzzle, Butter babies! This year's game is safe and sound, already on the app, but it won't unlock until noon Friday. Don’t worry, there’s no nominee spoilers on the site, just your chance to win one of the twenty Butter and Buns $100 gift cards!

One hint: Our creation, it’s heavenly




The Butter & Buns logo appears courtesy of NKC for Hello Namkanda

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